Classmate Profiles (1972)

     User has created a profile: 22
     Profile contains photos: 10
     In Memory: 3
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 3
     Military Service: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 22    Newest Members: 22    Latest Comments: 4  

Martin Boaman   
Elizabeth Bole (Boaman)    
Danny Clark    
Marianne Coleman (Letavish)   
Martin H. Conley
Linda Conlogue (Keyser)   
Patrick DeBow   
Hugh Delaney
Maryann Engasser (Bress)
Deborah Fitzpatrick (Hill)
Janet Gillis (Hamilton)   
Margaret Anne Harris (Ingram)
Cathy Holmes (Storrer)   
Patricia Hughes (Bonniwell)
Paul Hughes
Theresa Jeffries
Thomas Kirwan     
David R. Littlejohn
Lucinda Lynch (Kashmanian)   
Stephanie Malleus
Theresa Maslar (Deakins)   
Kathy McArdle (DeNardo)   
Anita McDonough (Woods)
Arlene McFadden (Laporte)
Patrick M. McGregor    
James P. Menghi
William Miller
Lori Morweiser (Poyer)
Lois Nicholls (Dowty)    
Warren H. Petri   
Robert J. Preskenis    
Elizabeth Ann Schellhardt (Long)   
Michael Shalley
John Shivick   
Nancy Smith (Bentz)
John Stant    
Marian Stone (Stant)   
Ellen Vogler (Heath)   
Bill Walsh    
Bill Winters   
Claudia Zimmerman   

Guest Members

Barbara McKinney (Kolheim)   
Buffy Morris

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