Teacher Profiles

     User has created a profile: 3
     In Memory: 10
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 9
     Military Service: 4
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Patricia (Vogler)
Sister Gina
Sister Mary Alicia
Sister Vicki
Sr Dorothy    
Sr Lisa
Sr Victoria
Sister Mary Aline    
Richard Anderson
Debbie Better
Conrad Blackman
Carol Brackin
Jerry Burton
Rosemarie Carey    
Julie Carrol
Roxie Carter
Gary Cooper
Mark Donnelly
Jim Dougherty     
Kathleen Doyle (Doyle)   
Pat Feeley    
Pat Galgano
Carolyn Griffith
Anna "Marie" Hogsten (Hogsten)    
Nancy Hufnal
John Hughes     
Father Lawrence Hunt
Reverend Father Paul Jennings
Ron Johnston
Fr. John Kavanaugh
Connie Kenney
Pam Kline
Pat Lamb    
Eleanor Lawless
Father James S. Lentini
Phyllis Mabrey
Sr Cynthia Marie Babyak   
Linda Merritt Smith
David Monroe
Margaret Moore
Carolina Nazareno
Phyllis Osterberg   
Bob Patton    
Patricia Ratcliffe
Sharon Remsburg    
Rupert Smith  
Bowen Sosnicki
Catherine Summers
"Miss" Becky Tatman
John Townsend
Phyllis Tull
Brenda Wade
Denise Watkins
Father Weaver
William "Chip" Weaver

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