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Classmate Profiles (1982)
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Susan Kathryn Bean (Saulsbery)
Frances Bott
Daniel Capodanno
Karin Cooney
Anthony Coroniti
Laurie Cullen
Rebecca Cullen (Moody)
Stefania Daliani
Michele Denham
Robert Denney
Karen Doe
Patricia Doe
Denise Doebele
Patrick Fagan
Catharine Fean
Christopher Feeley
Yvonne Figueroa
Jennifer Freshwater (Hatter)
David Gregor
Beverly Houston
Roberta Jackson
Richard Kernan
Kathleen Kriss
Carol Langham
Elizabeth Lemay
Jose Rafael Lugay
Michael Lyon
Teresa Maloney (Smith)
Diane Martin
Gordon Massey
Daphne May
Kim McGregor (Endres)
Mark Mesnak
Bernadette Miriello (Kolakowski)
Todd Nelson
Margaret Nicholls (Link)
Margaret O'Leary (McElligott)
Andrew Olenik
Mary Beth Oliver
Josephine Orosco
Johanna Ostruska
Tracy Pate (Lacko)
James Phillips
Michael Phillips
Ann Quirk (Lyons)
Lisa Raub
David Simmons
Andrew Smith
Michael Smith
Lemuel Taylor III
Denise Thomas
Antonia Valdes
Sharon Wallick (Belleville)
David Whelan
Cathleen Witt (Vandenbraak)
Heidi Zerhusen (Baustert)
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